Interaction design and creative for installations in outdoor, interior & architectural spaces.
Excerpts from Inspirations and project presentations and inspirations since 2016. :)
living space
digital interaction in real life
What was once a herculean effort to choreograph, synchronize, and trigger interaction outside conventional displays and bring immersive design to the real world, is quickly becoming standard fare for modern event-, exhibit-, and exhibition design.
Drawing from a variety of early experience designing and performing in club space since the late 1990s in Berlin, Europe, and the USA, and including concepts and content creation for promotional and pop-up events.
Interactive installation simultaneously serving as a ‘living backdrop’ for concurrently held guest & artist speaker events –Stealing Eyeballs, Kunsthaus Vienna
Ex. 2
A content platform & taxonomy, design system (including animation styles & grids) for a interactive media wall & presentation space at Huge Inc. visitor & reception space.
Ex. 4
Some very early work using serial-chained slide projectors to create panoramic faux-interaction on the walls of Kunsthalle, Hamburg Germany.
Immersive interior design through spatial narrative
Ambient design & transformation of interior & architectural space
Interactive installation & live-video performances
Keeping it real
Augmented, Virtual, & Mixed Reality
Having long anticipated devices that would bring augmented-, virtual-, and mixed reality to the mainstream, I’ve explored interface solutions and conceptual frameworks for applying these new technologies to useful applications –beyond the crappy games and interactive gimmickry targeting first-adopters.